8 Person Choir - Sayoko
Let's go away.
Yeah, let's just disappear.
→ Song
 ❥170 kg ❥LIOF ❥ZEZE ❥Chae
 ❥Puniel ❥Hashey ❥Pasivil ❥Tenra
→ Picture ❥ honeyz
→ Video ❥ Chae
No way! It's been a long time since I uploaded this.
My vocalists, Niya, ZEZE, Chaeim, Puniel, Hash, Pasibile, Tenra,
Thank you all for working on the video, Mr. Chae, and Mr. Honeychi, who worked on the pretty early commission. ♥♡
And I'd like to thank all of you for the last time.~~♥♡♥♡
See Original

Profile Image 170kg

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